What is Inventory and Asset Management for PCI Compliance?
Like many other standards, PCI DSS requires keeping an inventory of all assets. Maintaining an asset inventory of all covered PCI assets is mandatory for PCI DSS requirement 2.4.
Data in Transit
What You Should Know About PCI Compliant File Transfer
PCI DSS contains several requirements that deter organizations that process credit card data from using FTP for file transfers.
PCI DSS Requirement 2
System Hardening Standards for Complying with PCI DSS
PCI DSS requires system hardening, ensuring elements of the system are reinforced as much as possible before network implementation.
PCI DSS Requirement 2 Explained
External and internal malicious individuals often use default vendor passwords and other default vendor settings to compromise their systems. These passwords and settings are well known to hacker groups and can be easily accessed through public information.
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